Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I participate right away?

    Only 10 people can be in an IRP group at one time, so the groups run one after the other. We will decide at random (flip a coin) to decide if someone will be able to join the IRP group right away, or if they will be placed on a wait list. If you are placed on the wait list, you will be able to join the group the next time it runs, a few weeks later. If there are more than 10 people on the wait list, you will stay on the list and will be invited to join the group when it is your turn. If you don’t want to stay on the wait list, let us know and we will remove your name.  

  • Can I sign up with a friend or relative?

    Yes, if you and a friend or relative want to join the study together, let us know when you sign up.

  • Can I get other treatment if I participate in the program?

    Absolutely! You should get whatever help you need and want when you are participating in IRP or waiting to join the program.

  • How is this program different?

    There are many support groups in Montana for addiction recovery. However, most of them lack a connection with American Indian culture, values, and traditions. This program is trying to help fill that gap. Because this type of program has never been tried before, we are testing it with volunteer participants from Fort Peck to learn if this approach to relapse prevention is helpful for recovery.  

  • Who is in charge of the program?

    The program is overseen by Dr. Monica Skewes, who is a Professor of Psychology at  Montana State University-Bozeman (

  • Who do I contact to sign up?

    Contact Jessica Alden ( if you want to learn more about participating in IRP.